Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Jesus Loves Us So

What good lessons this week. I love how Jesus uses the stories in the Bible to teach and instruct us. It's even better that they are still pertinent to us today. I struggled with using the word "sweet" to describe Jesus a while back, but our lessons this week do bring me to a place of sweetness. God's plan is so detailed, and His desire for relationship with us so strong, that He uses every story or metaphor available to pierce our consciousness into an awareness of Him.

I like to go to the commentators, and especially enjoy David Gudzik at blueletterbible.com. Some of the things I walked away with this week from his writings are:
  • Just because you have a tough time in a tough circumstance doesn't mean you are walking in unbelief. Unbelief is when you ignore or reject a promise of God (what a comfort!)
  • Gudzik quoting "Morgan" - (don't know who that is): Many Christians think the boat is going down--the boat cannot go down - Jesus is on board!
  • When people are more afraid of what Jesus will do in their lives than what Satan is doing in their lives right now they often push Jesus away
  • Whom God calls, God equips
  • What we have in ourselves to give others is insignificant, but when we put it in Jesus hands He can do great things with our gifts and talents to touch the lives of others.
  • Jesus:Who do you say I am? We answer this every day by what we say and do. If we really believe Jesus, it will affect the way we live.
I'm so thankful that Jesus will help me to surrender more and more of myself, and look forward to the day that I want Him, and only Him, to fill up all my empty places . . .

Monday, July 4, 2011

God Working in Me

I wonder how God can love us don't you?

This week, God has shown me some unlovely things about myself through behaviors that I choose.

One day, I walked past some people that could have used my help, but, because other people were stepping up, I made a choice not to. I was too wrapped up in my own selfish plans to stop and care.

This week I have also chosen to indulge in behaviors that don't reflect trust in God's plan for my life. I'm forever trying to orchestra events into something control-able - as if that was even possible. I could have ruined a friendship, but thankfully did not.

Naturally, this week's lessons show me how unlike Jesus I am, and how far away I am from surrendering my agenda to Him. Forgive-able? Yes, but I am disappointed in myself. I'm changed - Forgiven! And yet, so far from having a nature that reflects God.

How much I have to learn about truly surrendering to Jesus and trusting Him. I'm pretty sure if I had been the Centurion, I would have have acted like I knew Jesus could heal, but pretty sure I would have been doubting in my heart. If I had been the widow with my son restored to me, how long would I have been amazed and filled with gratitude, before I just started taking life for granted again?

Jesus keeps teaching me over and over again.

For this reason, when Beth asks if we are convinced that God is kind, even sweet, I have to say a resounding "no"! Thankfully, I think God is much tougher than sweet--He expects and wants me to grow into the woman He created me to be. That means He disciplines me, prompts me with the Holy Spirit - shines that light on what is lacking in me.

Some synonyms for sweet are Beloved; Cherished. Those resonate with me. If God is my Beloved, then I am more apt to desire to be His beloved.

Gudzik states on Ephesians 2:1-4:
Every reason for God’s mercy and love is found in Him. We give Him no reason to love us, yet in the greatness of His love, He loves us with that great love anyway.

Therefore, we must stop trying to make ourselves lovable to God, and simply receive His great love while recognizing that we are unworthy of it. This is the grace secret of the Christian life.
He further states (Ephesians 2:5-7):
This is the requirement for being saved. You must first be dead, dead to every attempt to justify yourself before God. He who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me . . . has passed from death into life (John 5:24).
God has shown me this week, that I am still in desperate need of His work in me. I'm so glad that He never stops showing me!